"An Astrologer's Day" is a short story written by R.K. Narayan, an Indian writer known for his works of Indian literature in English. "An Astrologer's Day" was first published in 1947 as part of Narayan's collection of short stories titled "Malgudi Days," which is set in the fictional town of Malgudi in South India.
The story revolves around an astrologer who sets up his shop by the side of a road in a bustling market. He uses his knowledge of astrology to make predictions about the future and provide guidance to people who seek his services. He is portrayed as a cunning and shrewd character who knows how to read people and their behavior, and he often makes accurate predictions about their lives.
One day, a man comes to the astrologer seeking his advice. The man is desperate to find the person who tried to kill him years ago and seeks the astrologer's help in identifying the culprit. The astrologer uses his skills to analyze the man's horoscope and makes a startling revelation that leads to a tense encounter between the two.
As the story unfolds, the astrologer's past and his own secrets come to light. He reveals a hidden truth about his own identity and past actions, which adds depth to his character and makes the story more complex. The story also delves into themes of deception, guilt, and the consequences of one's actions.
The story revolves around an astrologer who sets up his shop by the side of a road in a bustling market. He uses his knowledge of astrology to make predictions about the future and provide guidance to people who seek his services. He is portrayed as a cunning and shrewd character who knows how to read people and their behavior, and he often makes accurate predictions about their lives.
One day, a man comes to the astrologer seeking his advice. The man is desperate to find the person who tried to kill him years ago and seeks the astrologer's help in identifying the culprit. The astrologer uses his skills to analyze the man's horoscope and makes a startling revelation that leads to a tense encounter between the two.
As the story unfolds, the astrologer's past and his own secrets come to light. He reveals a hidden truth about his own identity and past actions, which adds depth to his character and makes the story more complex. The story also delves into themes of deception, guilt, and the consequences of one's actions.
"An Astrologer's Day" is known for its concise and engaging storytelling, with Narayan's simple yet evocative prose drawing readers into the world of Malgudi and its colorful characters. The story combines elements of mystery, suspense, and psychological insight, making it a compelling read. It also reflects Narayan's keen observations of human behavior and societal norms in Indian culture, offering a rich portrayal of the complexities of human nature.